Tuesday 25 April 2023

A Successful Visit to Covenham Reservoir on an Inauspicios Day.

 Roger and I had had plans to visit Donna Nook to look for the recently emerged green hairstreak butterflies. However, the forecast was so poor that we decided to wait until the weather warms up somewhat. So I changed plans and headed for Covenham Reservoir to see if there were any yellow wagtails or wheatears about, the great nothern diver is still there, as well, and newly arrived arctic terns have been seen.

Arriving in the car park I expected gloomy skies and strong cold northerly winds, but the weather was nothing like as bad as forcast. In fact the sky was largely clear and the wind amounted to no more than a strong breeze. Wearing multiple layers, hat and gloves I hope to be warm enough but, in the event, I was rather too warm despite cool 9C temeratures. Although I didn't manage to find the diver, terns or wheatears, I was delighted to find half a dozen yellow wagtails and plenty of pied, at least 4 of which turned out to be white wagtails, a continental variant with grey backs rather than the more usual glossy black. The other high spot of the morning was connecting with a pair of ravens which are nesting close to the water treatment works - a real bonus.

After my circuit of the reservoir, I drove around to the sheltered south side and was pleased to find my first orange-tip of the year.

Orangetip male
Orangetip male
Orangetip male
Tufted Duck
Tufted Duck
Tufted Duck
Tufted Duck
White Wagtail
Yellow Wagtail
Yellow Wagtail
Yellow Wagtail
Yellow Wagtail
Yellow Wagtail

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