Monday 1 July 2024

Lake District, June/July. Day 8

At around 8.30 we were pulling into the car park for the Eric Morecambe and Tim Allen hides of Leighton Moss RSPB Reserve. We had had a mega early start to get Thomas to work for 8.00 am and decided to capitalise on it with an early start to our birding day. Sadly the weather was not as we might have hoped and it was already drizzling by the time we arrived. Water levels were low on both of the salt marsh pools and a warden was out open the sluices to allow them to fill.  The largest numbers of birds was made up by the noisy and raucous black headed gull colony with a large number of fledgelings. It was good to see half a dozen or so avocet chicks; at least some had survived the inevitable predation by the marauding gulls. It was good to see a small flock of bar-tailed godwits, some in summer plumage.
At 9.30 we retired for a second breakfast in the excellent cafe at the reserve centre. Feeling sated we now set out onto the main reserve visiting first the feeding station, then Lillian's hide, causeway hide and Tim Jackson and Grizedale hides. At the feeding station it was good to see plenty of marsh tits and cetti's warblers were calling loudly. Most of the birds coming to the feeding station mainly comprised fledgelings. The highlight of the day was the excellent views of a hunting osprey from the Causeway Hide. Altogether I listed just short of 50 species. A good day.
Black-headed Gull Fledgeling
Black-headed Gull
Black-headed Gull
Avocet chicks
Through the reeds

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