Monday 13 May 2024

A Walk Around the Local Patch

 I enjoyed a very enjoyable walk around the cemetery, Woodland Burial Ground and Gooseman's Field (The Horsefield) today. It was pleasant at 20C but with a cool easterly breeze. I was pleased to see 23 bird species, the highlights being blackcap, linnet and whitethroat. It's always good when the linnets and skylarks return to Gooseman's in the spring, presumably having spent the winter on the coastal salt marsh and dunes. The sight and sound of whitethroats back from a winter in Africa is always a joy. The final bird highlight of the day was the sight of three swifts over Gooseman's Field from the garden.

It was good to find 6 butterfly species and reasonable numbers. The single small tortoiseshell was so worn as to be nearly transparent, obviously hanging on after a long winter and cool, wet start to spring. I was surprised to see a female broad bodied chaser dragonfly along the thick bramble hedge on Gooseman's. I see broad bodied chasers here most years but there are no ponds in the immediate locality so they are travelling a good distance from their breeding site.

When I got home, I finally managed to catch up with a holly blue on our miniature holly plant.

Speckled Wood
Speckled Wood
Speckled Wood
Holly Blue in the garden
Holly Blue in the garden
Holly Blue in the garden

Friday 3 May 2024

A Soaking at North Cave Wetlands

 It had been good weather all week but the forecast for today was heavy rain. Undeterred, and knowing the vagaries of the weather forcast, Brian and I decided to go anyway. Today however the weather did what it said on the tin. A short way into our circuit there was a rumble of thunder and the rain arrived. We tried to dodge from hide to hide but we both finshed up soaked to the skin. The burger and hot chocolate from the Little Butty Bus was most welcome. Despite the weather we finished up with 42 species the hights being common tern, reed warbler, sand martin, swallow and garden warbler.

Image, reed warbler from 2011.

Thursday 2 May 2024

A Butterfly Walk Around the Patch.

 A walk around the cemetery and woodland burial ground produced 5 small whites, 2 holly blues, 1 large white, 1 speckled wood and 1 male orange tip. 

Although clear sun it was only 14C with a cool NE breeze. The path around the burial ground is still flooded and needs either wellies or, as we did, a diversion through the plantation.