Sunday, 6 October 2013

A day of Perfect Weather in Cleethorpes.

I am currently working on the first assignment for my next degree module which involves photographing my local area, hence the trip into Cleethorpes.  I had already secured one of my objectives: kite surfing and was keen to obtain shots of the Cleethorpes Light Railway in action.  Unfortunately they were only running diesel rather than the more picturesque steam.  Even so, there was a great deal to capture the interest as large crowds of locals and visitors alike were out enjoying the October sun.

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Although Cleethorpes is a tourist destination, the river is always busy with shipping.
Chalet maintenance.
The prom is popular with runners.

A welcome break.

Feeding the ducks.
Waiting for customers.
Showing off the Harley!
Enjoying the view; pier in the background.
Always plenty of cyclists enjoying the sun.
Pier and donkeys.  Classic seaside.
A day in Cleethorpes means a walk along the pier.
The sea front is a popular destination for bikers.
Visitors on the Greenwich Meridian line reading all about it.  The shadow is of a sign post pointing to both North and South Poles, New York and Moscow.
Autumn colour on the Salt Marsh; Spurn Point in the background.

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