Monday, 10 September 2018

Lake District September 2018. Day 3

A lazy start to today as we were waiting for Thomas to join us.  As he arrived the rain started so we continued our relaxed morning, eventually stirring ourselves to go into Ambleside for lunch.  The Apple Pie bakery was the only choice for cornish pasty and their amazing bath buns.  Lunch sorted we pottered round the town Heather doing clothes, crafts and galleries whilst Thomas and I hit the climbing shops looking at kit.  You can't beat kit! 藍
Shopping over and the rain stopped, we headed for White Moss car park where we set off to walk though the woods to Grasmere lake and the up Loughrigg Terrace and Rydal Caves. Despite the rain the river was significantly lower than the last time we were here and there were the first signs of Autumn with some trees and bracken already beginning to change colour.
Climbing steeply up to the caves, high above Rydal Water, we were suddenly deposited on a wide balcony overlooking the lake and backed by the vast cave entrance.  It is hard to believe that as often as we have visited The Lakes over the years we had never been to these caves.  And how splendid they are; huge entrance disappearing into a dark interior.
The path now descended steeply back to the lakeside where there were people swimming out on the water.  Wild swimming has become a very popular sport in recent years.
We returned to the car on the road side of the lake before returning to the van to cook pork loin for our evening meal.

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