Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Climate Change and the Lincolnshire Coast.

I have recently read the excellent book 'Wilding' by Isabella Tree and also a book that she references: 'The Hidden Life of Trees' by Peter Wohlleben, both of which made me think of another book I read a while ago: 'Feral' by George Monbiot.  Although not the main thrust of these books, they all make reference to Climate Change.  Isabella Tree's book describes the rewilding of their family farm, Knepp, in Sussex.  Although a large estate, Knepp, is on Wealden Clay and at the turn of the millenium it was becoming increasingly difficult and uneconomic and impossible to make it pay.  What Tree and her husband did was radical: they gave up farming the land, sold all the farm machinery and allowed the land to rewild itself.  If that is all they did, however, a climax vegetation of close canopy forest would have been the result.  They decided to introduce large grazers.  Gone, however are the wild cattle or aurochs, tarpan or prehistoric wild horses and wild boar so they used instead the nearest equivalents they could: longhorn cattle and Tamworth pigs along with exmoor ponies, and fallow, roe and red deer.  The resulting climax vegetation is not close canopy forest, but open wood pasture.  The benefits to nature have been staggering.  A whole array of wildlife has colonised the estate and Knepp is the only place in the UK where nightingales and turtle doves, both species on the verge of extinction in this country, are increasing in number.  It has also become the UK's best site for the extremely rare purple emperor butterfly.  This excellent book links perfectly with Monbiot's 'Feral' in which he explores the theory and benefits of rewilding on a national scale; Knepp puts Monbiot's theories into practice and proves that they do work.

The link to climate change is through the importance of trees and their associated mychorrhizal fungi, now known as the 'wood wide web'.  Trees and the wood wide web are, perhaps, the most important carbon sinks that the planet has at its disposal which makes the wild fires we have had this year, even in the arctic, worrying and the burning of the Amazon is nothing short of criminal.  The North Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says that nine of the 10 warmest Julys on record have occurred during the 21st Century, with only one year from the 20th century, that being 1998Scientists are confident that these extremes are the result of a rapidly warming planet if not caused by, at least exacerbated by human activity. One possible solution to climate change could be trees.  Not only do the trees themselves absorb carbon dioxide, a principal green house gas, the ‘wood wide web’ of fungi associated with trees is also a massive carbon sink. The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) recommends 30,000 hectares of woodland should be planted annually, more than double the new trees planted last year.  And it said this may have to rise to 50,000 hectares if other carbon reduction targets are not achieved.  The government has said it plans to "rapidly grow forest cover".  Another recent report  has said that switching to a plant-based diet can help fight climate change.  The report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC) states that more people could be fed using less land if individuals cut down on eating meat and the land could be used more effectively to store more carbon by growing more trees.  Rearing livestock actually releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.  The panel also argues that we are wasting too much food and that greenhouse emissions associated with food waste is as high as 8-10% of all global emissions.

A BBC news item from 3rd September reports that Greenland's massive ice sheet may have melted by a record amount this year; it has lost enough ice to raise the average global sea level by more than a millimetre.  Scientists say they are 'astounded' by the acceleration in melting and fear for the future of cities and coasts around the world.  One glacier in southern Greenland has thinned by as much as 100m since it was last filmed in 2004.  In a recent report the UK Environment agency feels that it would not be beneficial to protect 114 miles of coastline because of flooding and more than 1000 miles of coast are at risk of erosion.  They make the point that in 50 years up to 1.5 million properties in England could be in areas of flood risk.  Already the village of Fairbourne in North Wales is being abandoned to the sea.  One of the at risk areas over the next 50 - 100 years will be the Lincolnshire coast and coastal marsh, including Grimsby.  With this in mind I have begun a project to photograph the coast and coastal marsh with a view to publishing the work in book form to record the area as it is now; it will certainly be different in 50 years time.  As much as possible I have been cycling and walking to carry out this project in order to keep my personal carbon footprint as low as possible.  I was interested to find that, when I visited Donna Nook, the sluice at Pye's Hall has been removed to allow flood waters from spring tides and storm surges to flood an area now constrained by a new seawall inland of the old one.  In order to created this flood prevention measure farmland has had to be taken out of commission, but this is preferable to properties being flooded and homes lost.  One recent report states that trillions of dollars are needed to avoid the effects of climate change, but this is still cheaper than  the cost of inaction.

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