Thursday, 22 October 2020

A Trip Down the Coast to Look for Sanderling.

 It was beautiful sitting on the edge of the dunes at Saltfleet on the Lincolnshire Coast, looking out over the beach.  The dunes shelter us from the mild westerly breeze and the blue sky is scattered with fair weather clouds.  Behind us, old saltmarsh, glistening and wet from the morning tide stretches back to the village and caravan sites.  In front the beach reaches out to the receding tide. the occasional breaking wave visible beyond the slope of the beach.  A narrow strip of steel grey sea met the sky with a large windfarm visible beyond Spurn Point.  To our left was the saltmarsh with a bird filled creek enticingly visible on its edge.  Beyond was Donna nook range with seals visible through the bins resting up on the sand bank.  Earlier I had enjoyed photographing confiding sanderling on the tide edge.  A flock of dunlin and another of shelduck flew south while the calls of curlew echoed over the marsh. 






golden plover




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