Thursday 27 June 2024

Lake District, June/July. Day 2

A lazy day (we thought) was the order of the day today so, after a relaxed start, we we set out to walk across the fields to Stavely liitle realising how hot it was going to be. We returned home after 4.6 miles totally wiped out. To add insult to injury, both The Eagle and Child and Hawkshead Brewery wer closed so we retired to our regular spot of Wilf's, always good. We were interested to see how the new wildland above the site is developing. It is heavily fenced off and we don't very much like the preponderance of very obvious Private Land, Keep Off notices. We did enjoy the beautiful grasses which have been able to grow now that the sheep have been taken off the land.
Once home and recovered I declared it beer o'clock and began to prepare to BBQ. We again we sat out in the late evening enjoying the warmth.

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