Monday, 25 May 2015

Scotland 2015. Day 17 Glengorm Castle, Golden Eagle and Hen Harrier

Another really good day yesterday.  The weather was still showery but the visibility was better.  We decided to drive up to the far north of the island to Glengorm where there was a photography exhibition by Dr Sam Jones that had been advertised in Outdoor Photography.  It was also a good sopt for walks along to coast.  We stopped off at Salen for some more photography of the Salen Boats and then headed on to Glengorm.  As we approached the castle we came across a cuckoo which allowed a close approach and photographs.  They may be parasites, but what stunning birds.  At the stop where we had lunch we had excellent views of a golden eagle being mobbed by a buzzard and then later saw both birds.  Despite having just eaten our lunch we enjoyed a cup of tea and cake in the cafe after the excellent Sam Jones exhibition.  The walk down to the cliffs via some standing stones was enjoyable with great views across to the island of Coll and over to the Ardnamurchan Peninsula over the Sound of Mull.  I enjoyed photographing the coastal views and the highland cattle.
We took a roundabout route home via the Mishnish Lochs and Dervaig and were lucky enough to have good views of a hen harrier.
Another excellent day.

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