Saturday, 16 February 2019

A Saunter Around Rothwell with Lunch at the Blacksmith's

It was a cloudless morning yesterday as Heather and I drove out of Grimsby on the A46.  We turned off at Swallow and wound along lanes to Cuxwold and onto Rothwell to meet up with friends at The Blacksmith's.  My wish was granted as we turned sharply at Cuxwold church for, not only was this sunny bank covered in snowdrops, the early primroses that grow here were also in flower; another early sign of spring as were the first lambs of the year out in the fields.

Before we rewarded ourselves with lunch at the pub, however, it was first time for a perambulation around the village.  We started up the slope of School Lane towards the church.  Although only a very slight slope, my legs soon tired; an indication of my fitness or lack thereof. Unfortunately I am not quite in Munro shape yet!!!  The well-kept church yard was attractive as always, the perimeter studded with snowdrops.  From the church we dropped down to the Binbrook road which we followed for a short way before turning off along the track to Rothwell Top Farm.  The tiny stream here issues from a spring and was lined with snowdrops and aconites and the ground was carpeted with last year's beech leaves.  Beside the track different species of dogwood glowed in the sun and added a real splash of winter colour.

My legs are still only managing a mile and a quarter but, nonetheless, lunch was welcome.

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