Monday, 7 October 2019

The Cowshed Day 1

After a long day's travelling from one side of the country to the other we arrived safely at Llanfendigaid to a warm welcome from our two sets of friends.  We have stayed in the large house of Llanfendigaid with children and grandchildren over the years but this time we are enjoying a 'wrinklies' holiday in the excellent 6 person Cowshed  over the road, a farm out building conversion.  The evening was spent catching up with our friends over our evening meal before an early night.
I was up early this morning go for a run, or what passes for a run nowadays.  Gone are the days when I would run the full six mile circuit, but I was delighted as I never thought to turn here again.  After a lazy morning I launched off with my camera down to the beach and the beautiful estuary of the small River Dysynni.  Surprisingly bird life was conspicuous by its absence and the only thing I got from carrying the 'birding lens' was a bad back,  further confirmation that I need to part exchange it.  It was, however,  beautiful: foaming green sea with superb views across to the Lleyn Peninsula and inland to the mountains across the expanse of Broadwater.  Although not the best birding morning, gulls were plentiful and there were small starling flocks feeding on the freshwater marsh and pasture land.  A heron gave good views as it flapped slowly over.  A very different feel to early May mornings. 
I took the lens back to the car and while the ladies walked on the beach John, Steve and myself walked down to the estuary and over the new(ish) pedestrian bridge over the Dysynni for some photography over the salt marsh of Broadwater towards the mountains.  A group of three red breasted mergansers gave good views.

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