Saturday, 1 February 2014

An Excellent Morning at the Yard.

This morning dawned bright and clear for a change so it was an opportunity to get out with the birding lens.  I opted for my winter feeding station at a close friend's wood yard.  I arrived at the same time as John (Lindsey Tree Services) who was doing some work and was soon settled into the hide.  It was buzzing this morning with several greenfinch, three robins, half a dozen goldfinches, about two dozen chaffinches, tits and dunnocks.  There were also wood pigeons, pheasants, a magpie and a collared dove and several blackbirds.  I enjoyed watching a couple of kestrels hunting and John and I were thrilled to see a sparrowhawk make a kill.  Signs of spring were in abundance: catkins and snowdrops fully out and robins singing loudly from the hazel plantation.  A great morning.

All images taken with a canon 7D and 500mm lens.

To view large click on a thumbnail.
Blue Tit
Blue Tit
Chaffinch, male.
Great Tit.
Not often two robins are seen feeding together.
The aggression soon started though!

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