Sunday, 16 February 2014

Signs of Spring in Bradley Woods

The forecast was good for today so I planned a morning at one of our local woods: Bradley Woods on the outskirts of Grimsby.  There is a  feeding station here kept well stocked by the many bird lovers who visit.  Sadly the local council have permanently locked the gates to the parking area in the centre of the woods and so all visitors now park by the feeders which puts much more pressure on this area.  This is a cost cutting exercise as they no longer have to pay staff to lock and unlock, which also means that rubbish is not collected and there is an air of neglect about the place.  I just cannot believe people who throw their rubbish out of their car when they are parked right next to a bin!!!  Rant over!!  Despite this it is still an excellent place for watching and photographing birds.  There was a constant stream of blue, great and coal tits this morning with at one time four robins squabbling with each other; they are very territorial and become aggressive when another robin is present. Chaffinches were and nuthatches were frequent visitors; their strident calls warning of their approach.  A greater spotted woodpecker visited and the jack hammer drumming of at least one bird echoed throughout the wood.  Spring is just round the corner.

All images taken with a Canon 7D and Canon 500mm lens.

To view large, click on an image.
Blue Tit
Coal Tit
Great Tit
Great Tit
Great Tit
Long Tailed Tit

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