Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Flowers brighten a grey day at Irby.

It was my turn to take Jet for a walk this morning so I set out this morning to try and avoid the rain (not quite though!).  It started out bright first thing but soon clouded over and began to spit with rain; there was also a biting wind and, as I am somewhat follically challenged and had forgotten my hat, I was fully aware of.  Just before setting off for our walk in the dale, I decided to check out the aconites in one of the gardens in the village.  As I hoped it was a carpet of vibrant yellow dotted with the white of snowdrops.  Across the road I noticed there was a very rich growth of lichens on a fence which is encouraging news as they are very sensitive to pollution and a good indicator species.  It was good, as well, to hear the rooks calling as they wheeled around above the church yard.  Despite being cold and raining by the end we had an excellent walk and it was cheering to find some gorse in flower.  On the drive out I spotted my first daffodils and crocuses in flower on the dual carriageway out of Grimsby.  I noticed very little birdlife today other that the rooks and a few blue and great tits.

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Aconites.  Taken with Canon 500mm + extension tube.
Crocus - Sigma 10-20mm
Crocus - Canon 100-400mm plus extension tube.

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