Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Scotland, September 2014, Achmelvich Day 9

Another catching up with ourselves today and we spent all morning around the site.  It was dry and bright at this time but degenerated in to heavy rain later.  After lunch we called into Lochinver before driving a short way along the ‘Wee Mad Road’ to Inverkirkaig where we parked up and set off to walk up to the Kirkaig Falls.  A trip of just over two miles each way in the buy now steady rain but it was worth it.  Both the river, and particularly the falls, were spectacular.  The river flows through a steep sided gorge at this point with Suilven looming in the distance.  The river suddenly plunges over a 20m drop to cascade spectacularly into a deep, dark pool.  A ‘dry fisherman’ complained to us of the lack of water in the river but there seemed to be plenty rushing over the falls and I saw a fair sized salmon leap out of the water; majestic!  We have booked to eat at Peet’s Seafood Restaurant this evening and Langoustine is on the menu, so that’s me sorted.  Tomorrow seems to be set fair again so, hopefully, I shall get up Suilven.

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River Kirkaig
River Kirkaig
River Kirkaig
Kirkaig Falls
Kirkaig Falls
Kirkaig Falls
Kirkaig Falls
River Kirkaig

Sunset back at the site.

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