Saturday, 29 June 2019

Ashwell, June 2019. Day 2

Slightly more active today.  While Heather went for a wander round the village, I walked up to nearby Arbury Banks to look for the marbled white butterflies I had seen there a couple of years ago.  There were quite a few about, although photographing them was a different kettle of fish.  With it being late morning and a hot day (35C) they were fairly active and it was also quite windy, blowing the plants around on which they perched.  There were large whites, meadow brown, red admiral and painted lady on the wing.  On our return we drove to Hitchen lavender fields  for tea and stickies and some photography of the spectacular show of flowers. In the evening we sat outside and played with Malcolm's new bat detector.  It was a fscinating experience as we were able to identify those we could see flying around the garden: daubenton's bat and common pipistrelle.

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