Saturday, 22 June 2019

Lake District, June 2019. Day 4

Well I had a lazy day today while everyone busied about around me preparing for my 70th tomorrow. Beth and Alejandro had arrived last night and Thomas and Laura this morning.  The four of them were sharing a Ready Camp tent adjacent to us.  Peter and Linda arrived this afternoon and set up their pop up tent on our pitch.
The day dawned bright and sunny and got hotter as the day progressed.  I was up early and cooking bacon on the Camping Gaz BBQ which we enjoyed as bacon butties along with scrambled eggs.  People then went off to Kendal without me to buy supplies for the morrow.  Surely more than for the 10 I was expecting thought I naively.
Arrangements made and shopping done it was time for an excellent family meal of chilli prepared by the mistress of ceremonies, Beth aided by various others.
What would tomorrow bring?

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