Thursday, 5 May 2022

A Local Patch Day.

 A warm and sunny day today.  I had thought of a trip down to Saltfleetby but as I had to visit the cemetery chapel to vote I decided to continue with a needed patch visit.  with the weather being so warm there were large numbers of butterflies on the wing, especially whites.  Many were a challenge to identify as they either moved past too quickly or were too far away.  Small whites were present in abundance, though, as were orange tips, both male and female.  I saw a couple of green-veined whites and one large white, my first for the year.  I was pleased to spot 2 holly blues and another in the garden earlier in the day.  I came across a fox on the Horsefield which proved very wary.  It was very interested in something (prey?) out on the field but as soon as it became aware of me ran back into the bank of brambles.  Something to keep and eye on, perhaps.  Peacock, small tortoiseshells and speckled wood were also flying.  Just as I was leaving the cemetery I saw what could have been a labrador but which turned out to be a muntjac deer, the first I have seen in the cemetery.

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Orange tip, female
Orange tip, female
Orange tip, female.  Showing signs of wear.
Orange tip male.

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