Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Cycling and Meditation.

I unleashed my mountain bike, the much loved 'Stumpy', for the first time in a few years.  As it is so dry and the ground bone hard I decided that now was a good opportunity; less people on the trails too, a big consideration at this time of social distancing.  Although I covered 14 miles, I stayed close to home riding both sides of the village as far as Bradley Woods and Barnoldby to the west and to the east across the Horsefield and around Weelsby Woods.  It was great riding, but there was that bitter easterly wind again.  

It was good to ride through the woods full of bluebells, wood anemones and stitchwort and catch glimpses of cowslips and early purple orchids on the ditch banks.  I saw plenty of swallows and heard skylarks too.

As part of my daily routine I do an online meditation session which helps to calm the mind at the beginning and end of the day.  Currently we are asked to consider who or what we appreciate and meditate on the answer.  The who is easy; I am blessed with a loving and caring wife who worries about me constantly, whether my heart or my back or keeping me away from people as I am 'vulnerable' at this time: over 70 and with underlying heart problems.  Mind we nearly came to divorce earlier today when she asked me to cut the back of her hair for her!!! 😂  I am very lucky, as I am with my children, who also worry, and all of our wider family and friends.  The what is easy too, especially in this time of coronavirus lockdown.  I am able to get out either side of the village quickly either on foot or by bike and enjoy the changing seasons and wildlife, both observing and photographing. Although it is good to see rare plants and creatures one of the things that I take delight in is the common, everyday aspects of nature and its intricacy and beauty Like everyone else, though I look forward to being 'let out' and can't wait to get back to the caravan and see the children.
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Herb Robert

Early Purple Orchid

Early Purple Orchid

The Stumpy on the trail from Barnoldby to Bradley Woods.

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