Saturday, 7 January 2023

Beautiful Light at the End of the Day

 The day had been persistently wet and gloomy but towards 3.00 there was some brightness in the west although the thick cloud to the east was the blue black of a spreading bruise.  As we made our way through the cemetery it tried again to rain creating a splendid rainbow over the cemetery and horsefield.  As sunset approached the light became more and more dramatic with some bold and colourful cloud formations.  Now that the year has turned and with the mild weather new life is beginning to emerge.  Hazel catkins are in full flower now and those of the alders in the bottom corner of the cemetery are a swelling purple.  Winter aconite leaves are making an appearance and we saw our first snowdrop just poking through.  Birds were quite active at the end of a difficult day for them, the highlight being the cemetery green woodpecker.  It felt today as though spring is just round the corner.

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