Monday, 2 January 2023

Along the Viking Way from Walesby to Risby

 A cloudless day greeted us at Walesby for our bank holiday walk along the Viking Way to Risby and back.  We climbed steeply up to the Rambers' Chrurch set high on the wold above the village.  We continued along the Viking Way Path, dry at first then very muddy and slippery in the dip before climbing back up to Risby where it was drier again.  We enjoyed photographing the impressive rams from the Risby flock of Lincolnshire Longwools before sitting on the bench at our high point for lunch.  Enjoying my turket sandwich, I reluctantly exchanged it for binoculars to check that the raptor lazily drifting over the valley was, actually a buzzard, so I was delighted to pick out the forked tail of a red kite.  A red kit in Lincolnshire is always a red letter day for me; and we came across a buzzard in the same air space a short while later.  A good first birdwatch of the year even if the birding was secondary to a family walk.

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The Ramblers' Church.
The Walkers' Window.

The Rambles' Church
Arriving at Risby.
Risby Lincolnshire Longwool Rams.
Risby Lincolnshire Longwool Ram.
Risby Pond
The Viking Way
The Viking Way

The last Leaf

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