Wednesday, 7 April 2021

The First Clear Shots of Chiffchaff.

The raucous call of a crow set off the harsh cry and whirring of wings dsplay of the pheasant as I entered the woodland burial ground.It was still cold at only 5C but sunny despite the cold wind from the north east.  I was pleased to finally secure some resonable images of the regular chiffchaff, although it wasn't calling.  I think that the cold weather is delaying the emergence of butterflies this year and migrants are keeping their heads down, more concerned about survival and feeding than displaying.  Despite the chill there was quite a bit of insect life about and I was pleased to see a dark-edged bee fly and a tawny mining bee.

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Dark-edged Bee Fly
Dark-edged Bee Fly
Long-Tailed Tit
Magnolia in the cemetery lodge garden
Tawny Mining Bee

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