Monday, 15 March 2021

A Beautiful but Quiet Day on the Patch.

 It was an absolutely beautiful day today: only a gently breeze and warm sun.  I had hoped to capture some images of the hares that I have been seeing on the winter wheat near the Dead Wood but today there was no sign of them.  In fact it was very quiet on the wildlife front and I saw very little.  I was pleased, however with some house sparrow pictures that I took.  I normally don't get the opportunity to photograph these birds as we have none in the garden and they don't come to my winter feeding station.  I do walk past a couple of flocks of them in the hedges between houses and fields on my daily walks.  They are awkward to photograph, though, as they tend to congregate noisily deep in the undergrowth and rarely show themselves; they obviously not had the lessons in posing, unlike the female reed bunting which sat up nicely on a bramble for me later.

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