Monday, 29 March 2021

My First Peacock Photograph of the Year .

 It was warm and sunny as we pulled up in the car park by Littlecoates church  We had called in to pick Jet up and were soon walking alongside the River Freshney through Town Holt local nature reserve.  We soon spotted the water vole again but unfortunately didn't manage and pictures.  We actually saw it again on the way back and sat watching it for a while but I couldn't get a clear shot of it and eventually it disappeared into the undergrowth.  Disappointingly we didn't connect with any chiffchaffs or cetti's warblers today, in fact it was very quiet on the bird front, perhaps because it was quite late in the day for birdwatching.  There were plenty of butterflies, though, and I counted 10 small tortoiseshells and 6 peacocks and saw my first brimstone of the year.  Again we walked as far as the springs at Laceby and caught a fleeting glimpse of a kingfisher as it sped down the beck.

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