Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Woodland Burial Ground and Nesting Long-Tailed Tits.

 It was a rather dull and very windy day again today so I decided to make it very local again with two laps of the woodland burial ground.  It was good to see that willows are beginning to open up now; there will definitely be 'palm' for Easter with pussy or goat willow in flower.  On the lookout for chiffchaff I noticed a long-tailed tit and when I got it in the binoculars I noticed that it had nesting material: moss, in its beak.  I soon realised that there were two birds and they were going in and out of the bramble thicket.  A little cautious searching rewarded me with a view of the superb nest still only half constructed; the dome is still to be added.  A long-tailed tit's dome-shaped nest is a wondrous thing, constructed as it from moss, feathers and even spiders' webs.  Having found the nest I moved away and didn't get any photographs.  I decided it was more important to leave them in peace.  I will check on them next time I am here.

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Female blackbird
                                                            Female blackbird
Male Chaffinch
Male Chaffinch

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