Sunday, 21 March 2021

Walking the Cadeby Round and Scallows Foraging

 Driving into the Wolds we couldn't help but notice the large numbers of cars parking in the walking hot spots.  We had opted for the Cadeby Round again for that very reason.  We were fairly sure that it would be quiet and, in fact, we were the only people parked here.  It was a shame to not, however, that a short way up the track a very aggressive security gate was being installed.  As this must be an incredibly expensive move, we could only conclude that the land owner had been having problems with people driving down the track.  We had hoped that at Wyham it would be warm and sheltered for our flask and cake but annoyingly a nagging northerly wind had other ideas.  We thought that spring may have moved on apace since we last walked this route but it is easy to forget that it is high up on the Wolds and it is still quite wintry.

It was time to move on to drop some chairs off to be renovated at friends and spend some time in my feeding station wood.  One sign of spring here was the wild garlic coming through so we collected a bag for making wild garlic soup and pesto.  Both turned out to be excellent although there is a tendency for 'badger breath' afterwards; good for social distancing.

I enjoyed photographing some delicate moss which was colonizing a dead tree and found a clump of oyster mushrooms.It was good to hear the rooks at their nests and to listen to the buzzards calling as they floated above the wood.

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