Monday, 22 March 2021

Roe Deer and Nesting Long-Tailed Tits in the Woodland Cemetery

 A bright, mild and sunny day today so it was a pleasure to wander around the cemetery and woodland burial ground.  I came across several groups of ladybirds warming themselves up in the sun.  Willow catkins are blooming well now and attracting insect life and the blackthorn blossom is increasing on a daily basis.  I was delighted to see the long-tailed tits collecting nesting material again and pleased to make some successful images.  Another highlight of this walk was to find the roe deer in the woodland again and surprise them (and myself) as I made my second lap.  Immediately after seeing the deer for the first time I turned to look through the fence to see a fox watching me intently.  It wasn't phased at all but just stood and looked until I reached for my camera and it then wandered off..

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