Tuesday, 26 April 2022

On the Search for my First Orchids of the Year.

 Checking back on last year's images I realised that I had already seen the early purple orchids at Grainsby so Heather and I decided to pack a picnic and go and check them out.  Yet again it was cold with that north-easterly wind blowing off the sea.  We were soon parked up and walking the short distance along the bridleway to the spot where they grow on the banks of a ditch.  On the way we heard both great spotted and green woodpeckers - a good start.  We were not a day too soon.  The orchids were certainly at their peak if not beyond.  One theory that we had, though, was that we have had no rain for weeks and day after day with a searing easterly wind that was perhaps causing them to not look as fresh as they might.  

We were pleased to see cowslips flowering with them and this prompted us to pop over to Wold Newton to see them there.

Where the wold slopes steeply down to the road, a strip, perhaps a hundred yards wide and a quarter of a mile long curving with the valley road, has been left as a wild flower meadow.  Patches of cowslips have been seeded from another local wildflower meadow and are now beginning to spread nicely.  As the summer progresses, this strip of meadow becomes a riot of colour; a joy to behold.

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